Linda Arndt ~ Canine Nutritional Consultant

Traveling With Your Pet; Are You Prepared?


Whether it's dog shows or just taking your pet with you on vacation, there are three little things that are very important to take with you, as well as be on hand all the time at home. They are 3 things that are basically your first line of defense; a first -aid kit in a bottle (s).

Those of us who have shown dogs for years remember the first documented Parvovirus case in 1978 and by 1980, it had spread world side. There was much speculations that it was of laboratory origin and not something that had "just mutated" at the Collie National Specialty in Texas.

 Years later we are still battling bacteria, virus, parasites and giardia, and we always will. But we can be prepared by having these three things on hand, if nothing more to buy us time before we can get to the veterinarian's office. Dog shows, pet parks, rest stops any place where dogs congregate are all areas where our pets are most susceptible to picking up some kind of bug. But we can be prepared without actually taking a veterinarian along with us to the show or when we travel.
The main we need to protect is the pet's digestive tract because 70% of the immune system resides there among the walls. The intestines are approximately five times as long as the length of the dog and keeping the mucus lining protected with Probiotics (beneficial micro organisms (flora), is essential to keeping your dog well and making a speedy recovery when ill.
I recommend that you always use Probiotics daily on your pet's food. Using additional probiotics, and a product that has multiple bacteria with some that are encapsulated so that stomach acid does not destroy it before it gets to the lower sections of the digestive tract.

Travel Ready Rescue Kit Contents:
BakPakPlus Probiotics - 200 mg Bottle
Oxe-Drops - 2 oz Bottle
ParaBe-Gone - 2- 30 CC Bottle (will provide 12 - 5CC Adult Doses for dogs over 50 lbs)

Let's talk about what they do and why they are so important.

1) BakPakPlus Probiotics protect the digestive tract and if/when your pet has a loose stool it helps to reseed the gut with beneficial bacteria, which is lost in the rapid transit of food through the digestive tract. By reseeding the gut with more beneficial bacteria (flora) we protect the immune system. For maintenance use once a day for illness, use AM and PM. If a dog is not eating mix a little in a paste in wipe in top of mouth.

2) OxEdrops - an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It also helps restore the proper pH to the gut and bladder. For internal and topical use always use a 2% solution (1 teaspoon OxEdrops+1 cup of water).

> Topical Spray or Wash: Add 1 teaspoon of OxEdrops in 1 cup of filtered or distilled water. Use for eye wash, ear wash, spray for hives, sores, cuts, bites (flush), staph etc. 2-3 times a day til resolved.

>To Decontaminate Water:  20 drops put in a gallon of water let set 30 minutes before serving.

>Use Internally.  Add 1-2 drops per 10 lbs of body weight then mix in a little water/meat and add to pet's food food to restore the proper pH of the gut. 2-3 times a day

> Respiratory Problems: Add 1 tablespoon of OxEdrops to a gallon of water in a vaporizer. Make a tent for the dog, over cage with sheet and use vaporizer 20 minutes out of every hour for 4-6 hours until relief. Repeat as necessary.

3) ParaBe-Gone (PBG-51) - It is a proprietary blend of 100% natural plant extracts and it works quickly to act as catalyst in breaking down of the chemical bond of pathogenic organisms. It degrades the pathogenic cell's surface causing it to be compromised and it kills the parasites, worms, coccidia, giardia protozoa, yeast / fungus, bacteria and virus. If you are on the road or at a show and suspect your dog has picked up some kind of intestinal bug, then this is where the ParaBe-Gone will help a great deal. Just think if those breeders at the Collie National in 1980 would have had these 3 things in their arsenal to ward of disease!
1 CC - per 10 lbs body weight up to 50 lbs.
5 CC for 50 lbs or over- total regardless of weight over 50 lbs.
Under 10 lbs - use a 1 CC syringe and give 1/10 of 1CC per lb of body weight.
Give 3 - 5 days repeat again in 7-10 days, then give it every month for 1-3 days for prevention, if needed.
ParaBe-Gone can be used once daily for several days if you have a very serious situation at hand.

Other uses:
Demodectic Mange, rub into spots daily until hair starts to grow back.
Mites/Fleas/Ticks: a topical spray mix - 1 ounce of ParaBe-Gone in 10 ounces of distilled/filtered water & spray as needed, do not get in eyes.
Sarcoptic Mange: a topical spray mix - 1 ounce of ParaBe-Gone in 10 ounces of distilled/filtered water & spray as needed, do not get in eyes.
Ear Mites. Use syringe or dropper and put 5-6 drops into ears - work it into the ear to kill the mites. Use as needed.


You are on the road and your dog is lethargic, has loose stools, off feed, perhaps an infection of some kind - use each of these products to buy time until you can get to a veterinarian's office. The ParaBeGone has been known to knock out loose stools, Giardia, Coccidia, infections, you name it. It is your first aid kit in a jar with the multiple uses for each of these products. They can be used together or separately.

To Order: Travel Ready Rescue Kit-  call 1-765-284-8288

PRECAUTION: If you are using the PARABE-GONE wormer, or Panacur, make sure your dogs do NOT have heartworm. When in doubt, check with the vet and get a heartworm test done prior to worming. This wormer, like Panacur wormer, will kill heartworm if the dog is infested. So i If your dog has consistently been on a heart worm preventative it should not be a problem, but seek the advice of your veterinarian. This is an herbal wormer and as with any wormer, do not use on pregnant or lactating bitches

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